First of all - I'm really surprised to see so many visitors (as shown on picture). Thank you all for visiting! I hope there is always something interesting in here... Work on StarTrader progresses well. I think that cooperation with Dathkadan is not only giving me a lot of joy, but also allows me to have a different view on things, that I would do differently. To be more clear about that - together, thinking of different ideas - we did manage to decrease number of playing cards required to something like 100. That's really great if you would compare to previous +350. I hope, that soon game will be ready. Unfortunately - nor me, nor Dathkadan can spend too much time on it.
Why did I say that I had an interesting week? First - I was on training where we used some application guiding through the management. And this now made me focus a bit on MANAGO game. Now I think of three layers included in game.
* type of personality people are
* contribution factor showing engagement
* type of work that can be performed
I will not describe details now, since it is a bit 'fuzzy' now. My idea with this game would be even to go to the profi trainers and ask - what do they think and if that could anyway help. That's mainly the idea. Additionally - I was thinking on other games as well - since StarTrader will be completed very soon (I hope). Weekend will be a mini-gaming weekend for me. I was invited to a mini convent activity. I can't wait to see how it works.