And that is of course not the only thing. What you can see is the player board, that will be the future one with the use of tokens. When I did summarize - now I need to find good printing shop, where I will be able to print out round tokens for some other stuff. In the meantime - additional changes will be applied to the reference cards (aa... yes, those are also already created) that will describe different 'tokens'. And the last thing. I can perfectly remember, that most frustrating thing about this game was, that each time game was moved (either way - accidentally / deliberately) probably something like 30-70% of tokens were misplaced. To prevent this from happening, board above should be prepared in a way, that tokens will fit into special 'holes'. For the moment I'm considering PLEXA, but if that will not work - I will use maybe some special paper. Soon I will also produce cards for the agents... but I've never considered this as first thing to do. Impressive? Well - I hope to deploy all together by end of April. We'll see. Ps. When I'll receive tokens - I'll give those a shot.