Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lot of work completed, results - soon I will have the chance to evaluate. Through The Game Crafter service - re-edition of Citadel Of Blood is now almost completed. It means - it is actually ready to play. What I still need to create is new instruction to the recreated components. For the moment - I'm working only on Polish Version, since it is a lot easier (I own a copy). Now - where I'm at is that before checking it - I will first re-create also Star Trader and create Manago, to check all the three games at once. Or maybe not? We'll see. Probably - Citadel and Trader will be done together so that I'm paying for shipment only once :) Details will follow soon!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Long Time Ago...

Yes, it has been a while since last post. This is for some reasons - well, before doing 'real' rebuilds, I decided that I need something like new web page, that would be a kind of lantern for all the game creations - decision is 'sharpsharkgames'. Cute, isn't it? For the moment, only blog engine is in use - and to be clear - not 100% complete with the content.
My recently played games: My profile on BoardGameGeek